Homework plays three major roles in a child’s education. Firstly, it is used to reinforce work that has been covered recently at school. Secondly, it encourages children to develop positive study habits, which are vital to success in further education. Thirdly, homework provides an avenue where school and home can be linked. Parents can share in work that is most important to their child.
At Lawnton we know that families have busy lives. Parents work and students have many after school commitments. We feel that students need to be rewarded for the informal and formal learning they pursue outside school hours. This is our way of acknowledging the things they do as essential to their healthy overall development as unique individuals.
You can help your child at home by:
· reading to them, talking with them and involving them in tasks at home including shopping, playing games and physical activity
· helping them to complete tasks by discussing key questions or directing them to resources
· encouraging them to organise their time and take responsibility for their learning
· encouraging them to read and to take an interest in and discuss current local, national and international events
· helping them to balance the amount of time spent completing homework, watching television, playing computer games, playing sport and engaging in other recreational activities
· contacting the relevant teacher to discuss any concerns about the nature of homework and their children’s approach to the homework
If you are experiencing difficulties in having your child complete homework, please speak to your child’s teacher, they would be more than happy to assist in any way possible.