
Class times


Before school 8.15–8.30am

  • Students are not to be at school prior to 8.15am
  • Before school waiting areas:
    • Students in Grades 2 to 6 - school hall
    • Students in Grade 1 - the year 1 undercovered eating area
    • Prep students - the deck under the big tree.
  • Bell sounds and classroom doors open 8.30am

First session 8.40–10.45am

  • ‘Fruit break’ in class at times chosen by their teacher

First break play 10.45-11.15am

First break eating and post-break parade 11.15-11.30am

  • Students assembly to eat at their designated areas.

Second session 11.30am-1.00pm

Second break play 1.00-1.15pm

Second break eating and post-break parade 1.15-1.30pm

  •  Students assembly to eat at their designated areas.

Third Session 1.30-2.35pm

End of day bell 2.35pm

  • Students not collected by parents/carers are to report to the school administration. 

Departures from school

Once dismissed at 2.35pm, students are to proceed home according to parental instructions. In the event of this arrangement not occurring, students are required to report to the office so that contact with parents can be made.

Late arrivals/early departures

Children arriving after the 8.30am start of the school day are to report directly to the office with their parent/guardian to get a late slip prior to proceeding to the classroom. Likewise, children who are to leave school prior to 2.35pm are to be signed out by a parent/ guardian prior to collecting children.

First day procedures

The first day of school is always an exciting and very special day and the day is planned to run as smoothly as possible. Children will have been shown their classrooms and where possible have met their teachers at the end of the previous year. If enrolment forms have already been completed there is no need for parents and students to report to the office. Teachers will be in attendance in the room to receive and welcome your child. Additionally, there will be staff on duty to assist you with any queries.


Regular school attendance is vital to providing your child with their best opportunity to learn. Punctual arrival at school ensures children are calm, organised and ready to commence their day following classroom and school routines. Clear routines at home, including bed time and morning routines assist families to manage these busy times of the day and reduces any anxiety that may arise about coming to school. Every Day Counts External link.


All student absences must be explained in accordance with the Department of Education guidelines. For your convenience student absence messages can be left on the school answering machine outside of school office hours 8.00am–3.00pm. Students who are absent for longer than three days are to obtain a medical certificate which is to be brought into the office upon the child’s return to school. In extreme circumstances, if a child is to be absent from school for longer than 10 days authorisation of this absence is to be sought from the school Principal.
Last reviewed 22 September 2023
Last updated 22 September 2023